Saturday, March 7, 2020

Women's Day 2020

Something that will make you smile as soon as you read this:

Dear Women, 

It is something that we men always forget doing, something that we have missed from times immemorial, something that we take it for granted and something that you no longer expect: A thank you with a gratitude... 

For the roles you play in our life or say in the universe, will just a 'thank you' do? A cute little baby, a friend, a classmate, a cousin, a supportive colleague, a best friend, a sister, a spouse, a working women, a homemaker, a mother, a grandmother and it still does not end there. As if born to multi task, when you can handle so many things at once with ease and leave us in awe, we still do not acknowledge that fact thinking you are just discharging your responsibilities on yet another day. 

As a mother when you had dedicated your life to us, maybe we had forgotten that you were once a young lady and you had dreams in life too. But you had taken a U-turn from a dream life of yours and chose to take care of me instead. As a wife, when you once came in to offer your suggestions for the business, we did not really take it seriously ignoring the fact that you were once a topper and had an entrepreneur in you who got burried later. When you left your family after marriage and came home, we did not take it very seriously thinking it was your duty & societal norms to do so.

Why should we tell you a thank you? Is it for being that crush who made our life beautiful? Is it for being that English teacher who made life beautiful with stories in an otherwise boring school? Is it for being that one and only mom who thinks 24/7 only about our family? Is it for being that ungettable girl who showed us  void in our life? Is it for being that cute grandma telling stories of 1960's? Is it for being that always bankable best friend who would bring us back to track? Is it for being that colleague who helped us with SAP before getting fired? Is it for being the wife who understands everything that was spoken in the way she wants? :P

Yes!! We are sometimes insensitive by not acknowledging things in the regular way but we do it in a way so subtle that you may never get it. When we tell you, "Mom, do not cook today. It's a Sunday. Let's go out" we care for you. When we tell you, "Text me when you reach back home" we care for you. When we tell you, "I pity your husband. I am sure he will not be able to tolerate you even for two days" we care for you. When we tell you, "Don't walk down home. It's already late. I will pick you from busstop" we care for you. When we tell you, "I hate you. Don't talk to me" we care for you. But we don't tell that maybe. 

As we move forward and understand women empowerment is the talk of the town, we believe there is nothing that you are incapable of. Sometimes the empowerment can be scary especially when it pushes you to extents wherein you start feeling we are so independent now that we can live without men. When that happens there will be a huge disconnect and we may stop believing that we are humans first and again go back to the same root problem from where it started. 

As we end this letter, we just want to reiterate the fact that you are special and you will stay loved and respected. A formal Thank you...
