Sunday, July 11, 2021

Life, Death and everything in between...!!


        Its been a while writing and I suddenly wanted to write when somebody texted me saying they read my blog post before sleeping that night. I realized then that words do matter, words do influence someone, words do impact someone and how important it is to do that when your words matter to people(few people atleast). I was just thinking about how fragile we are as human beings. Leave about the strong face we show to the outside world. Leave about the strength and courage we display when it is really tough. I am talking about our inner conflicts every single day...

        Day in and day out, every single person out there goes through so much of conflict just inside their head. Our mind is a battlefield and everything happens there. We are constantly juggling between one thought to another leading to 60k to 80k thoughts in a day and that's way too much. In all these, I think about how fragile we all are emotionally. Someone tells something unpleasant to us and that occupies this space and takes over everything else. We get swayed away by that one unpleasant thought leaving hundred other blessings to count on. How emotional we are even if we do not acknowledge it?

        I was thinking about the harshness of the second wave of COVID-19 that hit the entire world. What would the families of the people who have lost a dear family member thinking at this time? What would they feel when they open their gallery and look at those happily smiling photos? What would they feel when they are constantly remembered that the person no longer exists? How would they come to terms with such harsh realities? Something changes in their lives and life alters for a different path. But with all these one thing still stays. The void of the person who has left their lives FOREVER. Can you still ask them to take it positively? Can you go and still tell that this is all happening for a reason? Can you still tell them that this grief will reduce with time? Will you have the courage to do so? All you can do is just sit with them in silence and just be a helping hand.

        When I think of all these, I feel like our entire life is like a river flowing continuously from one point to the other. The river just flows finding its way even after hitting a rock. The rock is unexpected in its way but now that it has hit it, it finds a new path to reach its destination. The river wants a smooth ride too but when it doesn't happen, it recovers staying calm(like it always is) and finds its new path to reach its destination which is the ocean(and for us it is our higher pursuits). The river's natural tendency is to stay calm and keep flowing like its only duty through out. Can we be like a river?

        All the thoughts that come to us has come in only because we have allowed it to come to us. Even when what's happening in our life is not in our control, how we respond to it is in our control. That way, our mental health is always in our direct control. Sometimes, when a situation is too difficult to handle and life seems dull and miserable at that point in time, its okay to feel bad about it. Its really okay to cry it out. Its really okay to take a break and just be with yourself. Its really okay to acknowledge and tell people that you are going through a rough patch. What is not okay is to deny this and live a life which is a facade. This could be the beginning of something very dangerous. 

        So please know that what you are feeling NOW is completely okay. Know that your mental health is more important than the image you want to create about yourself with other people. Cheers to Life

                                                                                                            -Naveen S N