Friday, August 27, 2021

Find your #home

         I watched this heartwarming feel good movie #Home on Amazon Prime and more than just writing a review of the movie, I wanted to ponder upon few reflections in the movie. So, this post is definitely not a movie review but much more. This movie did make me think about a lot of aspects. The movie is about a family which was once closely stuck together loosens up with time and the generation gap created by the social media and how the father tries his best to bridge that gap between his children by wanting to be part of their digital world. 

        Simple story, isn't it? But the reflections which comes out of the movie without being preachy at anytime makes you think. What were mine?

  • We all do this or have done this at some point in time in our day to day lives. When someone is talking to us, we are buried in our mobile either ignoring them completely or replying back to them looking at our phone(I have done this too). Now this is how the world has become. But how do we feel when we are on the receiving end? Do we like it? Is it really cool to do so? ENERGY. Everything we do has energy. When we are talking to someone, we are giving them time and more importantly we are giving them our energy. Can we do it more intentionally, being more aware and being there completely. Real human connections are made when we talk heartfully and when we listen intentionally. So the next time when someone talks to us, can we answer them looking them in their eye rather than looking at our screens?
  • With social media and the so called influencers, we start defining indicators of our success to the number of followers, likes, comments etc and start measuring ours with a yardstick which is a utter bullshit. Its about comparing apples to oranges and it will always be. The real work happens behind the Instagram, behind those cool post workout selfies and the constant 5 AMs to hustle before those good morning posts. This is often not considered but the outputs are. This could lead to creating a entire generation of people who are never present in the moment anytime and that's dangerous.
  • How beautiful it is to spend your morning coffee time or evening tea time talking to your own family? Why is it that we present our best selves to our bosses, clients, acquaintances and show our grumpy, angry, always irritated side to people who love us? Is it because we can be ourselves with them and feel home? Is it because they are our constants and we believe they would not leave? Have we not taken them for granted? Have we ever thought how do we look with that grumpy, angry, always irritated face of us from the receiving end? People do stupid things. They show their best side to the people whom they don't really care and show the worst side to people whom they really care. 
  • From when has expressing your thoughts been considered weak? Was there a change in syllabus and this was inserted? We, human beings do some terrible mistakes. We love people and constantly make them feel like we don't. We fail to express to people on how we feel around them. We think people do live on forever for these talks when we really know that they do not. Our days are numbered and our time is limited and still we fail to express how we feel. Continuing this will lead to creation of an entire generation which lacks emotional quotient. Next time you find a team member working really well- appreciate them in public, next time you feel like thanking your spouse-thank them, next time you feel like telling an 'I love you' to your love out of nowhere-please do. There is never an auspicious time for all these. 
  • As we grow, I have realized that the pursuit is less about the money, position, luxuries but it is about RELEVANCE. Being 'considered' relevant with time and being relevant among the people in your world becomes the biggest struggle to overcome. This is constant struggle be it any age but this struggle becomes more difficult as time passes. Will my son or daughter consider me relevant for their generation? Will I be able to adapt to the tech savvy next gen or will I be left behind? Will I still be able to understand the ever evolving businesses in my workplace and add value to the table? Will people continue to ask me suggestions or will they assume he is not worthy anymore? The struggle will be real and it will be about relevance. It makes me think about how we need to RE-INVENT ourselves at every stage of our life. At no stage of life will life settle down unless you choose to do so. We need to keep reinventing ourselves to stay current and relevant.  

Home is where the heart is and writing could be my home πŸ˜€ But if this blog post makes you get back to your own self or gets you closer to your home, that's what makes me the happier version. That's the intent and that's the goal always. Find your #Home in the world outside the virtual world. 

Naveen Nagaraj 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Life, Death and everything in between...!!


        Its been a while writing and I suddenly wanted to write when somebody texted me saying they read my blog post before sleeping that night. I realized then that words do matter, words do influence someone, words do impact someone and how important it is to do that when your words matter to people(few people atleast). I was just thinking about how fragile we are as human beings. Leave about the strong face we show to the outside world. Leave about the strength and courage we display when it is really tough. I am talking about our inner conflicts every single day...

        Day in and day out, every single person out there goes through so much of conflict just inside their head. Our mind is a battlefield and everything happens there. We are constantly juggling between one thought to another leading to 60k to 80k thoughts in a day and that's way too much. In all these, I think about how fragile we all are emotionally. Someone tells something unpleasant to us and that occupies this space and takes over everything else. We get swayed away by that one unpleasant thought leaving hundred other blessings to count on. How emotional we are even if we do not acknowledge it?

        I was thinking about the harshness of the second wave of COVID-19 that hit the entire world. What would the families of the people who have lost a dear family member thinking at this time? What would they feel when they open their gallery and look at those happily smiling photos? What would they feel when they are constantly remembered that the person no longer exists? How would they come to terms with such harsh realities? Something changes in their lives and life alters for a different path. But with all these one thing still stays. The void of the person who has left their lives FOREVER. Can you still ask them to take it positively? Can you go and still tell that this is all happening for a reason? Can you still tell them that this grief will reduce with time? Will you have the courage to do so? All you can do is just sit with them in silence and just be a helping hand.

        When I think of all these, I feel like our entire life is like a river flowing continuously from one point to the other. The river just flows finding its way even after hitting a rock. The rock is unexpected in its way but now that it has hit it, it finds a new path to reach its destination. The river wants a smooth ride too but when it doesn't happen, it recovers staying calm(like it always is) and finds its new path to reach its destination which is the ocean(and for us it is our higher pursuits). The river's natural tendency is to stay calm and keep flowing like its only duty through out. Can we be like a river?

        All the thoughts that come to us has come in only because we have allowed it to come to us. Even when what's happening in our life is not in our control, how we respond to it is in our control. That way, our mental health is always in our direct control. Sometimes, when a situation is too difficult to handle and life seems dull and miserable at that point in time, its okay to feel bad about it. Its really okay to cry it out. Its really okay to take a break and just be with yourself. Its really okay to acknowledge and tell people that you are going through a rough patch. What is not okay is to deny this and live a life which is a facade. This could be the beginning of something very dangerous. 

        So please know that what you are feeling NOW is completely okay. Know that your mental health is more important than the image you want to create about yourself with other people. Cheers to Life

                                                                                                            -Naveen S N

Friday, April 23, 2021

Yet again?

Yet again? 
Feels like just when things were seeming a recovery and of fresh breeze, the lessons do not seem to be over. Did we not take the course fully last time? Maybe not.

Yet again? 
The entire human race seems to be on its knees and there is fear, anxiety, despair everywhere. It's gloomy everywhere quite literally. Hmmm Mental health? Don't ask. 

Yet again?
Livelihood seems to have hit a roadblock with 'just living' taking precedence. What do you currently want? Healthy life or those bigger aspirations? Just basics.

Yet again?
Its just like the sudden rain in the city splashing on your new dress and dampening the spirits. New year and new goals. But yet again going just with the flow? Certainly uncertain. 

Yet again?
What can even do? Apart from holding to the only friend we ever know who helps. HOPE. Who else do we go out for help? Not that he will do any help. But it is still comforting

Yet again?
Let's hold onto this one branch like it's the last resort, like it's the only way forward, like it's the only thing we as humans can do. Will it help? Oh!! We survived last year.

Yet again?
Let's just Hope...
-Naveen Nagaraj

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Two years later...

        It's two years to the dream we first set our foot into. April 6th 2019 was the beginning of the journey into the unknown with nothing already in place except a clear vision. As we complete year 2 and move into the next it seems like a baby which is growing in its infant phase. Each day seems new, each experience seems new and each small step calls for a celebration. It has been the same feeling for us. What started with two individuals now has thirteen of us striving to work with the clear vision of 'being concerned.'

        2020 which goes into the history as an unusual pandemic year, has taught us a lot. The year had a lot of emotional setpoints and a lot of ups and downs at every juncture. When we drew out a three year vision and action plans for the firm during March 2020, that is when the world got into a serious threat caused by an unprecedented event. Nothing ever mattered to any of us except for the safety and wellbeing of everyone and the families. Almost 6-7 months went by working from home where "Are you able to hear me now?" was the only constant :P

        This year has been about holding onto our beliefs much tightly like its the only way forward for us. There is always a reward for holding onto your beliefs which comes only in the end. Despite of this being a tough year, we have taken much tougher decisions in the best interest of the organization and that only helps us sleep peacefully at night. Stronger work ethics, professionalism and working on everything with utmost concern is what we strive for every single day.

        We are proud of the clientele we are associating ourselves with and we are so thankful to each and every client who have believed in us. We are thankful to our team that we are really proud of, for choosing us. We are thankful to everyone who has wished nothing but the best for M S N A and the way forward is to only spread good vibes in each others' mutual growth. We whole heartedly thank everyone who are part of this journey with us and everyone who has wished us good from far apart. 

        Cheers to another year of learning and new challenges in the entrepreneurial journey...

Gratitude and Love,

Naveen S N 

Friday, January 1, 2021

2020: An year our generation will always remember...

2020 ➡️ 2021

2020 has been a roller coaster year to the entire human race on this planet. It isn't about one single person but this year has tested almost everyone of us. This will be a year that goes in the history books on how there was one virus that bought the entire human race on its knees and showed them how life is about the BASICS. This year had lessons throughout.

2020 bought in a lot of uncomfortable changes to a lot of people's lives. The lockdown reiterated the fact that how blessed we are to have a few essentials in our life and pushed us to a miniature lifestyle for a long time though. My sincere prayers and thoughts with all those people who suffered a lot, lost their loved ones for the pandemic or even worst not making it to the end of 2020 alive.

If we are alive TODAY reading this, it's a reminder to us to mend our ways and live a sustainable life🌍. There are a lot of blessings from 2020 for which I can't stop thanking the Universe. 2021 shall be about going with the flow of uncertainties with all those wonderful lessons learnt all these years of my existence. 2021 shall be as always to live a life in tune with my purpose of life. 

Cheers and best wishes to everyone for the new year. Let's take it one day at a time. 🌌

Love and light,
Naveen Nagaraj